Appleton Redevelopment Authority Receives Update On 222 N Oneida Street Property – Environmental Investigation Is Almost Completed Paving Way For Purchase By Valley Transit

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority met 05/08/2024. One of the information items they received was an update on the vacant lot at 222 N. Oneida Street just north of Valley Transit. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download: Director of Community Development Kara Homan […]

Appleton Redevelopment Authority Meeting 05/08/2024 – Will Receive Updates On Housing Task Force And Plans For Vacant Lot Near Transit Center

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority is meeting 05/08/2024 at 9AM. The only action items are all housekeeping issues regarding electing officers and setting the date and time of the meeting. They have two information items. The first is an update on the Mayor’s taskforce on Housing […]

Appleton Redevelopment Authority Meeting 03/13/2024 – Will Engage In Redevelopment Opportunity Mapping Exercise

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority is meeting 03/13/2024 at 9AM. They will be engaging in a “Redevelopment Opportunity Mapping Exercise” and voting on a request to approve an agreement between the ARA and the Boldt Company that would allow the Boldt Company to use the vacant […]

Appleton Redevelopment Authority Meeting 02/14/2024 – Will Receive Presentation On Powers And Duties Of Redevelopment Authority

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority is meeting 02/14/2024 at 9AM. They will be voting on some appointments and reappointments to positions on the committee and may go into closed session to discuss “real estate agreements and the investment of public funds related to a property located […]

Appleton Redevelopment Authority Meeting 11/29/2023 – Will Vote On Remarketing Circular and Replacement Bonds

A few days ago, I noted that due to the Thanksgiving holiday and the fact that there was a 5th Wednesday in November, it was going to be a quiet couple of weeks in terms of committee and Council meetings. Since then, an additional meeting […]

Appleton Redevelopment Authority Exhibition Center Committee Meeting 11/08/2023 – Will Review Reports On Fox Cities Tourism And Expo Center

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority Exhibition Center Advisory Committee is meeting 11/08/2023 at 11AM. They have no action items, but they will be welcoming new appointments, receiving an update on tourism in the Fox Cities, and an update on the Hilton and Fox Cities Exhibition Center. […]

Appleton Redevelopment Authority Meeting 10/25/2023 – Will Vote On Valley Transit’s Request To Extend Until 12/31/2024 Their Offer To Purchase Former Menn Law Firm Lot

The Appleton Redevelopment Committee is meeting 10/25/2023 at 9AM. They have one item on the agenda which is a request to approve an amended offer to purchase from Valley Transit for the vacant lot at 222 N Oneida Street. This was the former site of […]

Appleton Redevelopment Authority Meeting 10/11/2023 – Will Vote On Contract Extension For Valley Transit’s Purchase Of Property At 222 N Oneida Street

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority is meeting 10/11/2023 at 9:30AM. They have one action item on the agenda which is a request to approve the Amendment to the Offer to Purchase from Valley Transit for 222 N Oneida Street. The existing contract to purchase expires on […]

Appleton Redevelopment Authority Meeting 06/14/2023 – Will Vote To Release Historic City Center Development Agreement To Make Way For New Fox Commons Redevelopment Project

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority is meeting 06/14/2023 at 9AM. They will be taking up two action items related to the Fox Commons redevelopment project of City Center. One is to release the historic Development Agreement for City Center and the other is to release the […]

Appleton Redevelopment Authority Discusses Contamination In Monitoring Well By Valley Transit Site, Steps Needed To Gain DNR Approval To Move Forward With Site Development

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority met 04/12/2023. One of the information items they received was an update on the environmental remediation efforts at 222 N Oneida Street. I’ve prepared a complete transcript of the discussion for download. Last year, the Appleton Redevelopment Authority approved an agreement […]